Professional Cornwall Interior Decorator

At Saree Parry Design, we specialize in one thing – beautiful decorating! It’s our mission to create spaces that reflect your taste and your lifestyle. Whether your design project involves a living room, family room, dining room, bedroom or office, we have the products and ideas to suit your every need.

Every project presents its own unique set of circumstances, so we pride ourselves on working together with our clients to find the perfect products that express their style and fit their budget. Our initial design consultation is always complimentary. We’ll discuss the specifics of your project, help determine the budget and make some preliminary design suggestions. Depending on the size of the project, we may be able to get started right away after the initial meeting. Once we have a plan in place, we coordinate everything – from measuring, product ordering and finally to installation. And the best part, we handle it all, helping to make your life easier and save you valuable time and money.

At Saree Parry, it’s our goal to help you make your home in Cornwall all that it can be.

Contact us today at (613) 841-3326 and let’s work together to make your home more beautiful one room at a time.

Cornwall, ON Interior Decorator

Cornwall is a city that is situated where the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec and the U.S. state of New York converge. The first documented European settlement in the area was established in 1784 by United Empire Loyalists who fled from Johnstown, New York following the American Revolutionary War.

Cornwall Resources:

Cornwall Chamber of Commerce – As a member of both the Ontario and Canadian Chambers of Commerce, the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce has access to both of their vast resources and is a part of Canada’s largest business network.

Cornwall Public Library – The Cornwall Public Library strives to create a space that inspires its community to engage, socialize, and express cultures as part of their unique learning journeys.

Cornwall Police – Since 1784, the Cornwall Police responds to crime and works hand in hand with their community to ensure that Cornwall remains safe and prosperous.